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Adoption Healing for Adoptees, $7.50 instead of $23.50 including postage.
Adoption Healing for Moms, $8.50 instead of $25.50 including postage.

     Self-Help Books by Joe Soll 조살, LCSW, DAPA           
ahsup Articles AH

Adoptee Oriented


Mom Oriented


Supplement for Both
Reading one of the   two  books  on the left first is necessary
    Articles, etc. - new
     material for both
     moms & adoptees
    Adoptee Oriented
  in Korean
"Joe Soll has probably worked with adoptees and first parents more than anyone else on the planet. His approach has always involved empathy, intuition and introspection, without which dialogue runs dry. Few know the depth of the adoptee and first parent experience as well as Joe Soll, especially the dark side, where loss and loneliness reside.  Combining his experience, or perhaps we should say wisdom, with current therapeutic approaches, Joe creates an environment where growth can occur. Read his work, try it out, see how it works for you." -Robert Andersen, M.D., psychiatrist, author of Second Choice: Growing Up Adopted and  co-author of A Bridge Less Traveled: Twice Visited

Individual Psychotherapy and Healing Weekends
  (Kindle & Nook versions of 1st 4 books  available on line @ Amazon and Barnes and Noble)
            Free Kindle app ->     http://www.amazon.com/gp/kindle/kcpApp.html
Adoption Healing main website  (Chat room, Search help, Videos and much more)

Mysteries  by  Joe Soll

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 30-things to stop doing to yourself

    My Autobiography


Injuries caused by separation of mother and child can, in time and with work, be dealt with effectively to the point where the loss will not interfere daily in our lives.  Instead, the pain might rear its head a few times a year.  We may need to cry--get a hug and perhaps vent our anger--but the pain will pass more quickly each time."

"And the day came when the risk to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom"  - Anais Nin

I highly recommend Jane Rowan's pamphlet as an adjunct to the inner child work of my books! http://www.janerowan.com/childbooklet.html
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